As of May 22, 2015 The Halton Amateur Radio Club conventional
analog VHF (VE3OD) and UHF (VE3THA) FM repeaters have been replaced
with Yaesu DR-1X 144/430 Dual Band C4FM/FM Digital System
Fusion repeaters.
The DR-1X repeaters will continue the use of conventional
analog FM communications while integrating the use of digital
communication functions through its AMS (Automated Mode Select) capability. The AMS function automatically recognizes the signal
as either 12.5 kHz C4FM digital or conventional analog FM and then the DR-1X repeater
will retransmit the signal using the preset (conventional analog FM) communications
System Fusion is not compatible with the D-STAR GMSK digital format.
The Halton Amateur Radio Club operates the following repeaters:
- Freq: 147.135 Mhz
- Offset: +
- Tone: 131.8 Hz
- Freq: 443.425 Mhz
- Offset: +
- Tone: 131.8 Hz
- Node: 29711
- Freq: 443.425 MHz
- Offset: +
- Tone: 131.8 Hz
- This open Node requires a prefix of # when dialing node numbers or commands
- For mode information on EchoLink, go to EchoLink
Official Website
- EchoLink User Codes:
- Status: #08
- Disconnect Current: ##
- Disconnect All: ###
- Play Info: #*
- Select Node: #Node (where Node = Destination Node Number)
- Select Random Node: #00
- Select Random Link: #01
- Select Random Conf: #02
- Select Random User: #03
- Node: 11354
- Room: 21354
- Freq: 147.135 Mhz
- Offset: +
- Tone: 131.8 Hz
- Wires-X User Codes:
- For Status and Node List, go to Wires-X Active Node Status Page.
- Disconnect: #99999 or *
- Select Node: #Node (where Node = Destination Node Number)
- Local Node Status: #66666
- Freq: 145.610 MHz
- Baud: 1200
- NET/ROM enabled packet node
- The VE3PKG node is now running URONode and an FBB based BBS
- The BBS can be found by connecting to VE3PKG-4 or by using the BBS alias on VE3PKG-7
- The Node can be found by connecting to VE3PKG-10.
- Note: VE3PKG has IP connectivity to AMPRNET and supports Internet Email
- The VE3PKG node also provides RF connectivity to the VA3BAL packet network.